Alan Tudyk is a man of many talents - and as it turned out, and sounds. If you have been set in the rut MTV's new animated show "feeling good", then chances are you've heard some voices Tudyk many, from the chromatic Stoner surf and Brooke's father, Lodi Mr. preppy to a very unique sound.
In an interview with the Huffington Post, Tudyk fills us in on what is going out for Stoner guru Loney, and how he goes about simulating the sounds and sound and one that's been stuck in his head for years.
So what can we expect on the "good feelings." Perhaps more boob jokes, right?
Yes, this is exactly! I agree. Show the target audience is definitely younger boys. Will be covered in the spectrum of humor. I think it will be those that get all the jokes. The show has a lot of heart - but has the heart of the bone. I really do not think so.
He said that when I met Adam Brody, his mother and me to really enjoy the show.
Nice! It's funny. Certainly makes me laugh, anyway. As you know, I say that young boys will get it, but I have a sensitive young boy, so I'm the ideal audience as well. Although I am not necessarily a young boy, and my maturity level is there.
What is the color out? It's kind of like Mondo teacher and a friendly and Stoner.
You're going to learn more about the color. It's one of those people who lived differently, and that he sees a lot of things. It was very successful in his life. The surfer is well known at one time, so he tends to step in and provide advice. Moral character, and he is very corrupt. Steals, and he smokes weed and live in a van. It is also a cautionary tale for children: You do not want to live like the color.
I voted several characters in the show. How did this happen?
They were really cool about letting me play a lot of people. Every time we read through the new scenario, it set me a handful of roles. It's like, "We just need to hear the script, can be read in these roles?" This is how it all began, and then let me just recorded. Was very large. I always wanted to do so. The confidence and very generous on many roles and throw in my face and I can handle. Made me want to do more than that.
They were like, "Why hire more actors? And we can have one representative of the whole cast!"
Yes! Exactly! Flattering and it's really cool at the same time. There are some sounds that you always want to put in things that have now at home "feeling good".
How does it work? Do you just come up with these voices in your head?
I usually get me the text of reference when it comes to creating sounds. I take this approach, then I came up with the audio. I have done a few votes that I learned of the kind since a long time. They were people that I knew when I was younger. For people who imitate, you just key in the sound. You have to be around someone who has interest in audio quality, and you major in it. Certainly I will start doing so and will do so for a period of time. I did that with Mike Nichols. I worked with Mike Nichols on 'Spamalot ", and I was Mike Nichols of Tim, I'm even annoyed everyone around me. You kind of work on it, then you put it and then use it one day when it becomes useful. I still did not use Mike Nichols in anything yet - except to play pranks on people who do not know Mike Nichols. I will leave messages on their mobile phones.
Voice in the "good feelings" that I had, well, in the voice and sound that recalled Mr. Bill Cosby South] we call him Mr. sense, Fulla was known in Dallas, Texas. I would like to bring him every time I went to test [the end of the voice. I would like to be like "Hey, do you have any place to this man?" Everyone was opposed for me to do so sound that he voted ethnic, and I am very non-ethnic, but the "feeling good, 'he was perfect. They were like, ever! And started only one vote off in the first episode, but then Mr. right found way to the other texts. in one of the episodes he Mundo and friendly driver at night, so they just started to write Mr. sense. was very kind of them.
Must feel incredible. You can create a kind of character on the "good feelings."
I held this thing for a long time. Anyone who knows me and he was suffering because Mr. sound comes from time to time throughout the day. It intervenes only here and there.
Do you have any effects of celebrity? Adam Brody and said it had withdrawn from Spicoli and a bit of Anna Faris.
Certainly Spicoli. When you think of a typical west coast server - Stoner, and that perfect sound. I have a voice like a child version of Spicoli. He is one of the Friends of the Turk. He left a crew of two players. One person out of a large Spanish really, in the voice of a character, and his voice is like that. It's kind of like Mike Tyson, but also Hispanic. It is very large, but has a real big heart [sound end. Then the other guy is like a mini-Spicoli. When you create sounds, and you just pull different sounds, and you may have heard of people you've met along the way.
Is there any language that you can not do?
United Nations, Alan Tudyk exceeded hombre de muchos talentos - y resultado Como, voces Vegas. Si usted ha Seydou puesta a EN Punto Los nuevos rut MTV animado show "good feelings", and exceeded the potential entonces QUE Come escuchado algunas de las muchas voces Tudyk, desde Sharm Browse a chromatic Stoner Padre Woody Brock preppy a muy Señor adecuada not singular.
EN UNA entrevista con Huffington Post, Tudyk G. de llena if DQ viene Stoner guru de Launay, ¿Como Va imitando de las voces unos y not ha Unica VOZ QUE Seydou atrapado not to Cabeza Durante ANOS.
Entonces, ¿Q podemos esperar EN EL "Bowen Rollo." Probablemente mas chistes Tita, ¿no?
Socialist, and exceeded the ESO exactamente! Q Tendría de estar acuerdo. Audiencia de programa del destino es, and Sin Duda Los chicos mas Jóvenes. QUE van cubiertos the secret of the joke espectro de st. Crew van QUE secret Los Angeles Q conseguir Todos chistes. Sharm el Tine espectáculo UN Corazon Gran - Peru Sharm El Corazon Tine UNA erección. Realmente if Crew.
Kubango entrevisté a Adam Brody, u me dijo Suu Kyi Madre del realmente disfruta espectáculo.
Nice! ES gracioso. Definitivamente me rabbit reír, de Todos modos. Usted seven, U-digo Los muchachos Diamond Jóvenes conseguirá Minor, not any distortion tengo de sensibilidad UN phenomenon pequeño, ASI QUE estoy a audiencia not perfecta también. A pesar DQ Yu any soy necesariamente UN Nino, Neville de mi madurez Ahi esta.
If QUE viene a color for? ES UNA especie DoCoMo guru Al Mundo Woody Stoner.
Pot a encontrar mas información SOBRE color. U ES UNA de ESA people Kyu ha tenido varias vidas diferentes, y Q hectares horizon to the United Nations de montón cosas. Seydou hectares muy exitoso that Su Vida. Newspaper age surfista United Nations that the United Nations muy conocido momento, Portugal if Q tiende a intervenir ofrecer asesoramiento LLC. UN Como carácter ethical, QUE ES bastante corrupto. Rupa, fuma hierba y Vive EN UNA furgoneta. También UN ES cuento con moraleja paragraph of Los hurricanes type: Como vivir quiero not chromatic.
Tu de VOZ ERES not appear personajes varios Sharm el en. ¿Como ocurrió ESO?
Eran realmente spectrum dejarme jugar de de gente montón the United Nations. Cada Chavez QUE same shelters través de Nuevo UN guión, Lee Kyu IBAN a asignar UN puñado papeles de. Como era, "Solo tenemos QUE escuchar Sharm guión, ¿podría Lear papeles estos?" Asi es Como empezó TODO, y luego me grabarlas dejaron. Era Tan Grande. Demanding quise hacer ESO. Eran y muy confiado Generoso de tirar Mail on tantos roles Como U manejar feet. I dieron ganas de hacer mas cold; frost.
Ellos dijeron "Q-Port ¿contratar actores a diamond? Podemos UN representative tener QUE TODO Sharm elenco!"
¡Si! ¡Exactamente! ES halagador y muy added Mr Ben mismo Tempo. Hay algunas voces QUE demanding that he querido poner las cosas QUE Ahora tienen of the United Nations to Sharm El Hogar "Bowen Rollo."
¿Como funciona ESO? ¿Usted acaba de llegar a voces ESA en Tu Cabeza?
Port if the general tendency obtener ejemplo de commandos de la secuencia Kuando the same career trata de voces. If de Retiro dicho entrada, y luego llegar a VOZ Association. U-stranded nominal UN DQ that voces cierto MODO me hare mucho aprendí Tempo. Ellos people Eran conocí Kyu Yu Cuando Mas Guven age. Paragraph people imita Las Q itself, if it itself does not acaba llave EN UNA VOZ. Estarás circus DQ alguien Tine UNA Calidad interesante vocal, y se if the stick Ella. Yu Sin Duda empezar y hacerlo if the rabbit POR UN Tempo. If hice con Mike Nichols. He deceives trabajado Mike Nichols that "Spamalot, LLC U age of Mike Nichols Todos Los Tim Lee Kyu hasta molesta TODO El Mundo a alrededor miles. QUE Thibault de Trabajo EN EL, después if pones hacia y luego de Abajo usarlo UN Dia, Cuando llega a UTIL secret. Todavía hectares itself utilizado Mike Nichols said Nada - excepto para jugar bromas as gente de Kew seven Mike Nichols. Voy a mensajes dejar that SUS teléfonos.
VOZ is not that "good feelings" Q-strand, Assi, [EN VOZ del Señor not correcto, QUE recuerda a United Nations Bill Cosby Sur de] if llamamos Sharm El Señor correcto, r uu era Chico QUE conocí the Dallas, Texas. If U QQ aparezca cada Chavez fui a UNA audición [VOZ final. U Serie Como, 'Hey, ¿tienes UN Lugar paragraph Tipo Este? El Mundo Y TODO era muy opuesto hare QQ tendency not VOZ, porque es UNA VOZ étnica, y estoy muy not étnica, POR China, "good feelings", Sharm el-vesicle ajuste perfecto. Eran Como, POR supuesto! Comenzó solo Como UNA VOZ EN EL Unica primer episodio, Peru luego Sharm El Señor correcto encontró Su Camino that otras escrituras. The Uno de los episodios QUE ES El Mundo y chofer friendly POR does not noche, ASI QUE same comenzó A, paragraph escribir Sharm El Señor correcto. Vesicle muy Amable de su one side.
QUE debe sentir increíble. De alguna manera Crew personaje the United Nations said "buenas vibraciones".
Me that if aferrado a QUE Tanto Tempo Durante. Cualquiera Lee Kyu Kyu conoce ha tenido sufrir porque Sharm El Señor Chavez correcto aparece de en Cuando Durante Sharm El Dia. U y solo interviene aquí Ala.
celebridad ¿Tuvo alguna influencia? Adam Brody dice Q de Sacco y Spicoli UN POCO DE Anna Faris.
Definitivamente Spicoli. Cuando usted piensa that the United Nations típico server de la Costa Oeste - Stoner QUE ES does not VOZ POR excelencia. Straw UNA VOZ QQ ES UNA version tengo Como de infantil Spicoli. ES El Uno de los Amigos del Turco. Turk Tine UNA tripulación hombres de dos. UN Grande Spanish hombre muy, [EN VOZ not de personaje] y Su VOZ es Asi. ES UN POCO Como Mike Tyson, Peru también es Spanish. U ES Tan Grande, Peru Tine UN Gran Corazon real [VOZ final. A continuación, Sharm el otro es Como mini-United Nations Spicoli. voces Ben Crear, QUE acaba de de las tirar diferentes voces Kew that he does not escuchado y gente QUE has conocido a Del Camino Largo Minor.
¿Algún Hi QA itself acento puede hacer?
Sharm El Criollo acento not hacer puedo. I gustaría poder. He tratado de aprender, y U any hacerlo puedo. ES realmente difícil. Chavez's socialist hill hubiera UN entrenador aprender QUE feet. Yu solía conocer a entrenadores Cuando Los hice películas. The "28 Dias", con Sandra Bullock, QUE interpretó a personaje UN Alemán, y mi entrenador] I enseñó UN hacer Bowen acento Alemán. Y luego, Cuando hice "Destino de Caballero", traté de de hacer UN acento clase Baja británica, r g específicos dieron muy. Ahora Peru QUE existe Sharm Internet, usted realmente puede tirar desde cualquier Lugar. Solo tienes QUE IR that YouTube, the same y puede encontrar ningún Thibault de Haya acento jamás QUE existido.
Creole dialect I can not do. I hope. I have tried to find out, and I just can not do it. It's really hard. Perhaps if I had a coach I could find out. I used to learn with the trainers when I did the movies. In "28 Days" with Sandra Bullock, played the German character, and [my coach] taught me how to do proper German accent. Then when I did "A tale of Persia," I tried to do the tone is very low class British, and we got very specific. But now there is the Internet, you can actually withdraw from any location. Just go on YouTube, and you can find any tone that is present at all.
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Alan Tudyk: Alan Tudyk Talks MTV's 'Good Vibes' And The Curious Case Of Mr. Proper
Alan Tudyk: Alan Tudyk Talks MTV's 'Good Vibes' And The Curious Case Of Mr. Proper
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